OISC/Law Society Online Study Materials
If you’re too busy to attend a course, but would still like to benefit from our immigration training, we offer a number of our OISC and Law Society course/study materials online. Our online course materials are delivered electronically by email. You also have the benefit of practice questions.
These materials are also suitable for international students who are interested in setting up an immigration practice in their home country to provide UK immigration advice and services to visitors and migrants to the UK.
Available Materials:
British Nationality Law
EU Settlement Scheme
Immigration Rules
Managed Migration
Asylum and Human Rights
Law of Appeals
Deportation and Administrative Removal
Detention, Temporary Release and Bail
Criminal Offences
To order the available materials – £50 per topic – please call 020 8252 8458 or email newheights@hotmail.com. Please indicate which material you want. You can also use the Paypal button below: